utorok 22. decembra 2009
Nike Viral
Viral videos are popular in last decade. They sprang into existence in 1996/1997.
("what is viral videos" for beginners from wiki)
Obviously they are hilarious, attractive and "easy-to-share", so there is a quite big point for you to send it to your friends or put on your Wall on your Facebook profile, etc.
Whats more, if the execution is proper, question "FAKE/REAL" is openned and there are still loads of people, who believe in every viral advertising.
In conclusion, viral videos are cost-effective tool
(no media buying) of brand building.
So it makes BIG sence to use them, but if you are wondering, how they can get a feedback or measure it, check this case study of Engaged Reach for Kobe Aston Martin Jump:
"The original and viral placements of the Hyperdunk Campaign accumulated more than 16 million views in aggregate.
... the Nike Hyperdunk viral video campaign attracted over 35,000 comments."
Couple of NIKE virals:
"Taylor Momsen Escapes Paparazzi"
You can clearly see swoosh on bra and sneakers on one of the Gossip girls.
"Ronaldo Spot" (probably 2006)
"Ronaldinho- Touch of Gold" (2007)
Agency: FramFab
"Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Bugatti Veyron"
The race between the fastes car and the fastes football shoes.
Who is the winner? Really? Come oooon.
"Kobe Jumps Over Pool with Snakes"
Starring Jackass.
Previews one:
"Kobe Jumps Over Aston Martin"
Actually, in case you believed in all of these videos, probably you would believe in this:
and this (my favourite one):
It is just argumentation, but think about it!
štvrtok 17. decembra 2009
Andre Agassi Special
Everybody knows Andre Agassi. I really admire that guy, he was one of the best in his sports. He had special style. I mean:
- style of playing
- style of outfits (he loved neon colours- as you can see)
- especially his hairstyling (haha)
He was Nike from 1988 to 2005 (nowadays he is Adidas).
In his book "Open"(2009) he revealed his drugs period of life. In 1997 he was taking hard drugs like crystal meth (speed):
“There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness. Then comes a tidal wave of euphoria that sweeps away every negative thought in my head. I’ve never felt so alive, so hopeful — and I’ve never felt such energy.
“I’m seized by a desperate desire to clean. I go tearing around my house, cleaning it from top to bottom. I dust the furniture. I scour the tub. I make the beds.”
So here we go, back into crazy 90s:
1989: Nike Air
1990: Agassi feat. Red Hot Chili Peppers
Fucking crazy, combination of tennis and rock and roll.
1992: "Athletic footwear: Bouncing TV"
Created by Wieden+Kennedy. Award: Golden Lion and Cannes Lions 1992 Film Gold.
"Rules Of Golf"
1995: guerilla with Pete Sampras
It is 14 years old, cant believe it.
Another funny one with Pete Sampras
nedeľa 13. decembra 2009
Nike Sportswear Viral
Nike Sportswear:
Designed for Sport. Remixed for Life.
Main products: sneakers and windrunners.
Check couple of Nike Sportswear campaigns:
"Nike Retro Windrunner"
This shit ROCKS.
Production company: El Nino, Paris, 2008.
"Slow Motion Ads"
"Nike Sportswear: Lucky"
Trilogy about young boy and his jacket. Created by Chris Robinson (Robot Films). Half sitcom, half reality show, whole funny story with Ludacris big up. Here are all episodes:
piatok 11. decembra 2009
MVPs: LeBron and Kobe
Most Valuabale Puppets (originally "players") is awesome Nike campaign.
Lebron James and Kobe Bryant are presently the best players in NBA, whats more both of them are on the Nikes endoresment list. And here we are.
These commercials were played throughout the playoffs in 2009. So the "hit" was strong.
The BIG IDEA of this campaign was really big, extraordinary, funny, etc.
I found opinnions like
"This particular ad campaign is one by Nike that I will never forget."
I found 12 episodes created by Wieden+Kennedy, Portland.
Here is my choice TOP 4:
1. "Puppet Chalk"
If you considered LeBrons previous "Chalk" commercial for his Nike ZOOM VI, hilarious!
2. "Lil Dez"
3. "Quickness"
4. "Celebration"
All Episodes:
utorok 8. decembra 2009
Little Rascals
sobota 28. novembra 2009
Nike and the Women
I read couple of articles about this topic and I was really surprised, how fascinating the whole story from problem to solution (not just campaign or campaigns) really was.
'Nike is for men, not women'
At the beginning Nike wasn’t focused on the female at all. For most of its history the company has been all about men. In 1990 the women's sub-brand was launched and the really huge market was openned.
What is more, I call it „Nike spirit“ (practise- sweat-n-blood makes fun) was in general absolutely anti-female-thinking.
They dropped aggression and conflict as the main appeal and focused on equality and pure sport spirit.
Art of storytelling supported by new role models:
- young, active, attractive women, which are frustrated by underestimating
(“Dance is NOT sport” said Male)
- mainly un-known newcomers ( no using just famous celebrities, by whose is segment over feeded)
- sport activities: dance, fitness, box, soccer, running, tennis
Check some campaigns
"Tell Me I Am Not An Athlete"
"This Is Love"
"Delicious Training"
"Here I Am"
"Tell Me I Am Not An Athlete"
"Feel Yourself In Nike"
Agency: Wieden Kennedy, Amsterdam
Real beuty:
Agency: Wieden Kennedy
Visuals created by Logan
nedeľa 22. novembra 2009
Hyperdunk campaign
Controversial with clear message.
The problem was: “Are these Nike ads homophobic?”
Maybe, but I don’t know, I am hetero and I think these are ok, but if I was a homosexual… dunno.
Clear message:
It is about abasement in basketball "the athletic feat of dunking on the opposition."
With new Nike Hyperdunk you will dunk and humble your opponent easier.
And that’s it!
But these have been pulled, whatever and enjoy!
Wieden Kennedy, 2008
sobota 21. novembra 2009
Guerrila/Ambient vol.1
Check some guerrila/ambient campaigns of Adidas ...hahahah... Nike.
Come oon!
Nike Laser:
Interesting way how to comunicate using laser technologies in "shoe-industry".
Agency: DDB Paris
Nike Football:
Nike Hockey: "Ready for your 45?"
Taxi, Canada
"Run On Air" billboards:
Decorated trash bins:
"Gone Running":
Excellent way how to say it.
"Car free day"
Nice guerilla campaign from Prague.
štvrtok 19. novembra 2009
Sneaker for better Sex !!!! / ???
"Nike is proud to continue its commitment to new and innovative products with the first ever sneaker developed exclusively for sex, ....
... with this shoe you will last longer, experience more pleasure, and fuck smarter,"
president and CEO Mark Parker said.