štvrtok 17. decembra 2009

Andre Agassi Special

Everybody knows Andre Agassi. I really admire that guy, he was one of the best in his sports. He had special style. I mean:
- style of playing
- style of outfits (he loved neon colours- as you can see)
- especially his hairstyling (haha)

He was Nike from 1988 to 2005 (nowadays he is Adidas).
In his book "Open"(2009) he revealed his drugs period of life. In 1997 he was taking hard drugs like crystal meth (speed):

“There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness. Then comes a tidal wave of euphoria that sweeps away every negative thought in my head. I’ve never felt so alive, so hopeful — and I’ve never felt such energy.

“I’m seized by a desperate desire to clean. I go tearing around my house, cleaning it from top to bottom. I dust the furniture. I scour the tub. I make the beds.”


So here we go, back into crazy 90s:


1989: Nike Air

1990: Agassi feat. Red Hot Chili Peppers

Fucking crazy, combination of tennis and rock and roll.


1992: "Athletic footwear: Bouncing TV"
Created by Wieden+Kennedy. Award: Golden Lion and Cannes Lions 1992 Film Gold.

"Rules Of Golf"

1995: guerilla with Pete Sampras

It is 14 years old, cant believe it.

Another funny one with Pete Sampras

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